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Author name: Seeders Capital

living wall office, green wall office

Transform Your Office with a Stunning Living Green Wall: A Guide to Creating a Lush and Productive Workspace

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work environment, creating beautiful and functional spaces is more important than ever. One way to achieve this balance is by incorporating a living green wall into your office design. A living green wall, also known as a vertical garden, is a wall covered in plants that provide numerous benefits to both the environment and those working in the space. This article will explore the advantages of a living wall in the office and provide tips on creating one in your workspace.

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recycling sustainability, recycling practices

How recycling practices can lead to environmental sustainability

The objectives of sustainable development in Egypt have more distinct indicators that concentrate on quantifiable results, and they will be action-oriented, universal, and applicable to everyone. They also take into account the various facts, national development levels, and capacities while respecting national policies and priorities.

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Africa Grows Green Awards

Africa Grows Green Awards

Africa Grows Green allows you to share your climate action knowledge and build connections with the most influential professionals in the field. The aim is to discover more leaders of the next generation of technology that can help us deliver climate change and development solutions that will impact Africa and the world. We are honoured to partner with this initiative and support young entrepreneurs scaling their companies. These awards allow you to share your ideas and receive feedback from others on how to improve. The award is given to the most promising business contributing to a greener world.

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Orange Egypt Case Study

The Orange Egypt Case Study

Seeders Capital understands the need of the hour by aiming to offer sustainable solutions for commercial, industrial, residential, and agricultural organisations, going in parallel with the sustainable goals of the United Nations. Seeders Capital focuses on innovative solutions that tackle pressing problems at their roots, encouraging business model transformation for more sustainable and wealthier economies.

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